Clarity Benchmarking

Welcome to Clarity Benchmarking.

It's human nature to want to compare! And clients love to see how their business is doing, in general, and against their competitors.

Benchmark ALL your clients

Using Clarity Benchmarking is easy. You can effortlessly compare ALL your clients within your practice, and even stack them up against all businesses on the Clarity platform. Plus, you can narrow down the focus by sector or location.

You can also do the very same for your firm.

Clarity Benchmarking highlights where you and your clients can improve, by how much and how—realizing your firm's and your clients' true potential.

With over 40 years of combined experience in accounting and business, in this Essentials Program, Steven Briginshaw and Aynsley Damery will take you through:

  • Why benchmarking?
  • What is Clarity benchmarking, and how can you use it?
  • How can you monetize benchmarking at your firm?
  • Key Facts

And, head of operations, Matt Fox will take you through the mechanics of using Clarity Benchmarking: how to add ALL your clients, how to update your firms settings (with logos etc) and how to edit your own benchmarking reports or use the great template we already have for you.

It works!

Paul Miller, from Cornish Accounting, sent out 10 Benchmarking Reports and booked 10 meetings within a week!

Make the most of your membership

Get started with our QuickStart program TODAY and see how you can start making business simple for all your clients.

At the end of the course, you'll be able to complete a quiz and become masterclass certified.

If you need any help or are missing access to any resource, please don't hesitate to reach out to the member success team. We are here to help in any way we can.

THIS COURSE IS FREE FOR MEMBERS - please get in touch if you don't have your 100% discount code

If you're not a member, why not contact us

Why not book a discovery call with one of the team to see what a difference Clarity and Clarity Benchmarking could make to your firm?

Example Curriculum

Get access to Essentials - BENCHMARKING