Why and Extra Work Order template?

Giving work away free of charge or scope creep is one of the biggest challenges affecting accounting firm profitability. It’s also often quoted as one of the reasons for overwhelm and lack of time in teams.

Scope creep is often a result of team reluctance to engage in uncomfortable conversations with clients and leads to undertaking unplanned work without appropriate billing or even notification to supervisors. This affects the firm’s efficiency and undervalues the service provided.

A template on its own will not solve all the problems with scope creep.

It’s essential for compliance services to introduce a robust records grading system. And, across the firm, develop communication skills among team members to confidently address scope changes, ensuring transparency and fairness in client engagements. A clear ‘Menu of Services’ or a robust pricing system (including proposal software) is vital. As is the ability for everyone to understand the scope, the price charged, and hence what is inside and outside scope.

However, if used properly, the EWO or extra work order template will be a great tool to combat scope creep.

Eliminate Scope Creep and Stop Giving Away your Services

Scope creep is one of the biggest challenges affecting accounting firm profitability, productivity & overwhelm.

Our members use extra work orders to capture extra work and generate additional monthly fees for out-of-scope work.

See how this extra work order template can help eliminate scope creep in your firm.

In addition to the template, you will get suggestions on how to identify scope and system notes on how to implement EWOs.

Get your guide and template