BrandScript for Accountants

Based on the framework in Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller, we have created a BrandScript for you and your firm.

As we set out in our Marketing Toolkit, it’s vital that you read the book to:

  • understand what a BrandScript is, in the first place, and what the various components mean;
  • understand how to apply this to your firm and in your marketing; and
  • ideally, use ours as a template to build your own

We appreciate that time may be an issue and you want to get started with something. 

So please feel free to use our example if appropriate and as you see fit.

However, again we’ll re-emphasise that a brand is much more than a logo, words and colours. It’s the culture, values and essence of your firm. So, copying words that are not authentic to you and your brand can backfire. 

Read the BrandScript before you write any copy - 

ie for an email campaign, blog, website, advert etc and even before you create a slide deck!
